Titus Ng


I’m passionate about leadership and people development. It’s more than a job to me, it’s a mission in life. People influence people, and leaders much more. Through more than a decade of consulting and corporate experience in the field of organisational and leadership development in Asia, I’ve seen leaders who inspire and leaders who bring despair.

A story was told by John C Maxwell. A group of American tourists walked through a quaint English village in wonderment. They were enamored by the town’s winding cobblestone streets, the beauty of its courtyards and plazas, and the sense of history emanating from its ancient churches. While strolling through the local park, the tourists struck up conversation with an elderly gentleman and found out that he had lived in the town for his entire life. One of the Americans, eager to hear more about the town’s history, asked, “Sir, have any great men been born in this village?” “Nope,” said the old man, “only babies.”

Many may think that great leaders are born, but i suspect that if we were to ask every great leader we know, they will be saying otherwise. Fundamentally i believe that everyone leads, in their own capacity wherever they are, because leadership is influence and influence goes beyond title and given authority. Join me in this journey of developing leaders, and more importantly becoming better leaders ourselves.

If you wish to know more about my background, check out my Linkedin profile at sg.linkedin.com/in/titusng/.

Titus Ng

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